On Becoming a Person” Reflections on Dharma Yoga and Humanist Psychology

Author: Shawn /

Carl Rogers is known as the father of humanist psychology. He proposed the idea that the human psyche was innately good, self motivating, and self healing. He proposed further, that the nurturing relationship between the therapist and client was the significant factor in healing. Rogers believed that providing a safe space in the here and now, where all the different parts of an individual could be experienced and accepted, would allow the individual to accept themselves, and also allow the psyche to heal itself naturally.
Rogers believed in four important factors to good therapy and the healing relationship:

Being in the here and now



Unconditional Positive Regard


Yoga psychology also proposes that human nature is fundamentally good on its deepest and most existential level. This basic goodness is variously referred to as Buddha Nature, the Self, or true nature, and is considered the foundation of the experience of being. The problematic and harmful tendencies of our nature arise from our disconnection with this essential experience of being. Like Rogers, yoga psychology holds to the idea that if we are given the proper conditions, we will naturally awaken to our basic goodness. Furthermore, yoga psychology proposes that these can be cultivated by developing:

Open Awareness- mindfulness





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